We seek to undertake and support this new digital era, and in this way we are in the race for technological innovation associated with Smart-Cities in all its aspects, whether in the development of integrated solutions, or only in the development of hardware or applications and respective systems of communication.



The idea of developing a Modular Urban Equipment, arises from the partnership between the companies 3PM, S.A. and Vitrus Ambiente Em, S.A., a municipal company integrated in the Municipality of Guimarães, responsible for waste management and urban cleaning, for the management and supervision of public parking and for the preparation and promotion of studies and projects for the organization of parking areas, mobility and urban accessibility.
Given that the Municipality of Guimarães is leading an application for projects that aim at integrating the municipality into the concept of Smart Cities, the idea of developing a Modular Urban Equipment arose, which in addition to the functionality of a parcometer, may contain other functionalities such as the more efficient management of its human and material resources, measurement, analysis and treatment of data related to environmental variables and the management of urban mobility.